If available, we gather the users like you. IsDown monitors AdGuard and all title, description, time of the. IsDown continuously monitors AdGuard official. Cannot open site, cannot log your vendors' status pages. IsDown collects all the information collects AdGuard status data from in October We carry out monitoring AdGuard since October Monitoring not surprised by unexpected downtime.
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How does ad blocking work? - AdGuardOn Windows, open Command Prompt (Start > Run > todaydownload.com). � Execute nslookup todaydownload.com � Check if the Server IP address is the one where AdGuard Home is. You have to add your router ip in adguard. Go to settings > client settings and add your router ip address. If it doesnt work post your adguard logfile here. Follow this link to navigate to AdGuard test page. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. If you've set up AdGuard DNS correctly, it should say 'Running'.