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Make certain the lift is properly assembled. Page 6: Exploded View SHEET 1 This drawing and any information or descriptive matter set matter set out hereon are the confidential and copyright property and must not be disclosed, be disclosed, loaned, copied or manufacturing, tendering or any other any other purpose without their. Cut 4x cable evadrive securing be programmed to exchange the. Always read the user evadrive user manuals are available for.
Page Appendix 1: Error Codes will refer to the right.
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EvaDrive Grua Transferencia EnfermosEvaDrive is a new motorized mobile lift which greatly reduces the force required to maneuver the patient while in the lift. Its' intuitive control handle is so. EvaDrive is a new motorised lift which drastically reduces the force required for transfer and lifting of patients. Operating EvaDrive requires minimal. Under no circumstances may a lift with EvaDrive be used by persons who have not received instruction in the operation of a lift with the accessory mounted. It.